5 Health Myths And Misconceptions

Interpreting scientific literature for a population that doesn’t understand what p values are has led to some pretty significant miscommunications. On the other hand, the occasional bad actor is to blame for leading the public health zeitgeist astray. Here are 7 examples of failures to communicate.

1. Red Meat Causes Cancer

It doesn’t. The phrase: correlation doesn’t equal causation has never been more appropriate then with the idea that red meat leads to cancer. Within red meat, there are essential amino acids that when consumed, activate a genetic pathway called insulin growth-factor 1 (IGF1). IGF1 is a major pathway for the repair of tissues. More red meat, equals more IGF1, which can keep damaged cells alive long enough to mutate. HOWEVER, if a perfectly healthy individual who is activating hormetic stress pathways through exercise, avoiding unnecessary carcinogen exposure, and eating a healthy diet consumes more than average amounts of red meat, they will likely remain perfectly healthy. Many early cancer/meat observations didn’t account for poor lifestyle factors such as not getting enough exercise, not getting enough sleep, eating tons of bread, pasta, and sugar, and even smoking habits.

2. Whole Grains Are Somehow A Good Thing

Whole grain and whole wheat bread, while often advertised as valuable and a better choice than white bread, are only just so. The fact of the matter is that all three breads convert into the same exact compound: simple sugar, which increases inflammation which increases risk for all-cause mortality in people who don’t live an exceedingly healthy lifestyle. Even things like rye, multi-grain, or sourdough are guilty of masking their sugariness with marketing.

3. The Food Pyramid

That silly thing on every old cereal box is just ridiculously inaccurate. The base layer suggests 6-12 servings of grains a day, which certainly went a long way in making sure that our nation is one of the more obese on earth today.

4. Saturated Fats Are Bad

Saturated fats, like red meat, are not bad, but in conjunction with abusing your health can have negative consequences. When combined with sugary foods like pasta and cake, the fats build up in your arteries resulting in strokes and heart attacks; that’s the long-term effect anyway. The reason for saturated fats becoming the demon-to-slay in the public conscience for 50 years was actually the result of bribes taken by researchers from companies invested in the sale of sugary foods. This was brilliantly highlighted in a New York Times article which includes the surfaced evidence of bribery and corresponding literature.

5. Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day

That silly thing on every old cereal box is just ridiculously inaccurate. The base layer suggests 6-12 servings of grains a day, which certainly went a long way in making sure that our nation is one of the more obese on earth today.